Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation, marking the beginning of the Christian life. Through the pouring of water and the invocation of the Holy Trinity, we are cleansed from original sin and reborn as children of God (CCC 1213). Baptism not only washes away sin but also incorporates us into the Church, the Body of Christ, and makes us sharers in His divine life. “Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit” (CCC 1213). This sacrament imprints an indelible spiritual mark on the soul, meaning it can only be received once (CCC 1272). The grace of Baptism calls us to live as disciples of Christ, growing in faith and holiness.
Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation in the Catholic Church, marking the beginning of a child’s journey in faith. We welcome you as you seek baptism for your child and look forward to supporting your family in this important step.
These guidelines apply to children who are 6 years old and younger.
For children 7 years and older, different preparation is required, as they have reached the age of reason and must participate in a faith formation program (typically the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children, RCIC). Please contact the parish office for more details.
Requirements for Parents
1. Commitment to Raising the Child in the Catholic Faith
- At least one parent must be Catholic and intend to raise the child in the faith, attending Mass regularly and providing religious education.
- Parents should be active in the life of the Church and strive to live according to Catholic teachings.
2. Baptism Preparation Class
- Parents are required to attend a baptism preparation class to understand the significance of the sacrament and their responsibilities.
- If the class has been taken within the last two years, proof of completion may be submitted instead.
3. Required Documents
- A completed Baptism Registration Form (available at the Parish Office).
- A copy of the child’s birth certificate for record-keeping.
- If not registered at the parish, a letter of permission from the pastor of the parents’ home parish.
4. Scheduling the Baptism
- Baptisms are scheduled based on parish availability.
- Dates should not be finalized until all requirements are met.
Requirements for Godparents
Godparents play a vital role in the child’s spiritual development. The Church requires the following:
1. Catholic in Good Standing
- At least one Godparent must be a practicing Catholic, baptized and confirmed, who regularly attends Mass and strives to live according to the faith.
- If married, the Godparent must be in a valid Catholic marriage.
2. Minimum Age & Sacramental Requirements
- A Godparent must be at least 16 years old and have received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.
3. Godparent Certificate or Letter of Eligibility
- Godparents must obtain a letter of good standing from their home parish, stating that they meet the qualifications to serve in this role.
4. Christian Witness (Optional)
- If a second Godparent is chosen, they may be a Christian Witness (a baptized non-Catholic Christian) but not a member of another faith tradition.
- A baptized Catholic who has not been confirmed or does not practice the faith cannot serve as a Christian Witness.
5. Godparent Preparation
- Godparents are required to attend a baptism preparation class.
Next Steps
1. Complete the Baptism Registration Form and gather required documents.
2. Attend the required baptism preparation class (contact Parish Office to schedule with pastor).
3. Select eligible Godparents and ensure they provide the necessary documentation.
4. Schedule the baptism date with the Parish Office.
For further questions or to begin the process, please contact the Parish Office.
We look forward to celebrating this joyous occasion with your family!